Professional slip ring manufacturer

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What is the difference between mercury slip rings and traditional slip rings?

What is the difference between mercury slip rings and traditional slip rings?

source:Headlines 2022-06-09 19:25:54 Mercury Slip Ring 1360

Mercury conductive slip ring is a rotating conductive slip ring with liquid mercury as the medium. When rotating, mercury is directly used for conducting transmission. It consists of a fixed end and a rotating end, which is different from the traditional slip ring that uses an electric brush for conducting transmission.image

Due to the transmission medium is mercury mercury slip ring, belong to the fluid, so its structure is compact, small size, often used in special tiny precision instruments, mercury slip ring spinning when wear is small, its life than traditional conductive slip ring is much longer, the volume of the same specifications of the traditional conductive slip ring is larger, often takes a lot of space. Mercury slip-rings can also carry more current and have less contact resistance than conventional slip-rings. The raw materials used in the mercury slip ring produced by Jiachi Mechanical & Electrical are imported high-end raw materials, reliable, high precision, support high ring, large current, the only fly in the sand is that the mercury slip ring can only transmit power, not like the traditional conductive slip ring can do gas, electricity and hydraulic integration.

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